Cricketer Hardik Pandya and model Natasa Stankovic recently announced their separation. And the divorce rumours of Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan have been doing the rounds as well. Amid this, filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma put out multiple tweets about the institution of marriage on X and didn’t have fond things to say about it.

His first tweet read- ‘MARRIAGES are made in HELL and DIVORCES are made in HEAVEN’

His next tweet was- ‘I wonder if today’s MARRIAGE in reality does even last as long as the no.of days the parents perform the MARRIAGE’

And then he said- LOVE is BLIND and MARRIAGE is an EYE OPENER

After months of speculation, cricketer
Hardik Pandya
and model-actress
Natasa Stankovic
confirmed their separation by sharing a joint statement on social media. The duo shared that it was a “tough decision” for both of them, and they will continue co-parenting their 3-year-old son Agastya.

While they deactivated the comment section on the announcement post, Natasa soon faced the wrath of Hardik fans and netizens on social media. They started trolling her on X (formerly known as Twitter) and even posted hate comments on her previous Instagram posts.

While one user wrote, “Itne acche insaan ko pehchan nhi paayi. (she couldn’t understand how good he was),” another commented, “He deserves better.”“I hope you overcome this as well. Best wishes go ahead,” a netizen commented. “Leave her sir u deserve much better than her,” a comment from a fan read.

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