Stargazers in southern states can rejoice over two meteor showers peaking around the same time as July flashes away.

Both the southern Delta Aquarids and the Alpha Capricornids peak periods will nearly crossover on Tuesday, according the American Meteor Society. Observers can see the dual showers in the southern hemisphere and southern latitudes of the northern hemisphere.

These celestial events are best observed after midnight as some aren’t visible prior and before the moon rises, EarthSky reported.

The Delta Aquarrids move at a medium speed, while the Alpha Capricornids moves at a slower pace, according to the Society for Popular Astronomy.

The double meteor showers serve a teaser for next month’s Perseids, the most popular shower of the year expected to peak on August 11 and 12.

Vector illustration of a meteor shower on dark night sky at a natural landscap.

How to watch the Southern Delta Aquariids

The Southern Delta Aquariids will peak at on the night of July 29 going into July 30 when the moon will be 30% full, according to AMS. Moonlight should be a minor factor to watch this shower this year as the waning crescent moon rises in the early morning hours.