“Space Cadet” is a charming new space-based comedy on Prime Video that offers up the fantasy-like tale of how one brash and ebullient Cocoa Beach bartender with hopes of living her dream cons her way into NASA‘s astronaut candidate program by submitting a false application that greatly exaggerated her limited credentials.

Directed by Liz W. Garcia, “Space Cadet” stars Emma Roberts (“American Horror Story”) as Tiffany ‘Rex’ Simpson, the college dropout aspiring to accomplish something greater in her life and winds up picked to participate in an elimination process to choose the next four astronaut trainees. It’s all spun out of a heightened reality where NASA apparently does no background checking except for a couple phone calls, but it’s delivered in such good fun you might not even care.

In order to maintain some semblance of scientific authenticity, even in the midst of the screenplay’s far-fetched premise, former NASA astronaut Nicole Stott was brought in as a consultant by the producers to provide some expert guidance.

Astronaut Nicole Stott aboard the International Space Station (Image credit: NASA)

Stott is an seasoned astronaut, aquanaut, engineer, artist, and author of “Back to Earth: What Life In Space Taught Me About Our Home Planet – And Our Mission To Protect It.” She conducted two spaceflights and spent 104 days in orbit as a crewmember on the International Space Station and the space shuttle. Among her many accomplishments, Stott was the 10th woman to ever perform a spacewalk, the first to operate the ISS robotic arm to capture a free-flying cargo vehicle, and even created the first watercolor painting in space.